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Saturday, June 1, 2013

They're here.... Hurricane Season 2013 begins

The "Ooo! Ooo! I have to potty" statues
(or "Hail a cab" or Throw me something mister")
are here to mark the pick up location
should you need to get on a bus to get you to the train station
should you need assistance evacuating in case of a hurricane.

And it is GOOD that the plan to assist folks getting out of town in the event a hurricane evacuation is required continues to improve.

But many of us here in NorthWest Carrollton find the constant reminder ....
well...... wrong.

This Evacuspot is located in Palmer Park next to the RTA Bus Stop on Claiborne at Carrollton heading into town. 
It seems that this main RTA intersection would be easy enough to find in the even of an emergency.
Just saying go to the RTA Bus Stop at the corner of Claiborne and Carrollton should be good enough.
Here is Evacuteer's viewpoint:
"Dear New Orleans,

You're going to start seeing these sculptures on your thoroughfares. Four are up already. 11 more and two more signs will be done in the nex
t few weeks.

They're called evacuspots.

These sculptures signify an evacuation plan that I hope we never have to use. Where people who don't own cars will go if we ever need to evacuate the city.

They are our answer to the saying our parents all told us once upon a time.

When you make a mistake you learn from it.

So when you see one of these sculptures, they are a tangible recognition of those who’ve left us, but an investment in the safety of those with us now and those who’ll come after us.

Never again will anyone need to say, “We don’t have anywhere to go.”

We lost too many once.


Robert X. Fogarty
Most of us are professionals when it comes to Hurricane Season.
BUT if you are new to it here is a jolly article on Uptown Messenger to help you get started.

And if you have some time watch this..... It's an education.

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