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Thursday, December 17, 2009

2010 Budget Implementation Plan and Impact Statements

From the Mayors Office
(Personally I CAN'T wait until there is someone else in the Mayor's Office.
It seems like we are all having to hold our breath and wait until after the elections)


Below are links to an outline that was presented to local media organizations today of the 2010 Budget Implementation plan and the Impact Statements from City agencies that received additional cuts. This information is also on the Although city staff members continue to work on the implementation plans, there will be community meetings this week and after the holidays to review the 2010 budget implementation steps. Please stay tuned to local media outlets, the city's website and your email for announcements regarding possible service schedule changes as a result of the adopted 2010 budget.

Thank you for your continued dedication to OUR city's recovery and growth.

2010 Budget Adopted by NO City Council

2010 Budget Implementation Plan

Departmental Impact Statement Summaries

Departmental Letters on Budget Impact

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