Thursday, 4 November @ 6PM
Megan Burns is hosting a meeting on the new Johnson School Community Garden. You can find the attached fliers for that and upcoming dates relating to her project.
November 4th , 6 p.m.–7:30p.m. (sharp) in the J.W. Johnson Cafeteria
An open community and parent meeting for anyone interested in the project
At this meeting we will:
Review Phase I design and construction plans
Break in to work/committee groups
All are invited to attend and join a work group
Week of November 8th Priestley School Design team will begin to work on site to determine bed layout and construction logistics (Students only)
December 4th , 9 a.m.– Noon at the future garden site along Hickory Street at the J.W. Johnson School
Kick-off event with tree plantings and other preliminary activities
At this event:
Work groups will report on the status of their projects
Designers will present the final plans for construction
Construction beginning week of January 13th -18th , 2011
Construction will be under the direction of the Priestly students
Volunteers from the community are needed and encouraged to Participate.
Notification of dates and times will be available through e-mail